Politics As Usual
- is it -
? Cooperation or Exploitation?


Foundation Concepts

Force vs Power
Every law and regulation reduces your choices.
Whatever happened to the US Constitution?
The Public Interest is a myth
What is Politics-As-Usual?
The Tragedy of The Commons
..........Expanding Tragedy
..........More on expanding tragedy
..........Global problems
..........Unfoldinding Tragedies - National Examples
..........NYS fiscal problems

Is Government the Problem?

Yes, Virginia, government power corrupts.
Exploiting The Commons
Plunder by decree?
Bad Laws
Waste, fraud, abuse, favortism, corruption, mal & misfeasance...
..........Getting the State involved in medicine is criminal malpractice.
Social Security
..........Exploiting The Trust Fund
War on Poverty
War on Drugs
Education failures
..........Pork not fish
..........Misuse of bond money
..........Global Warming
..........Climate Mitigation Cost/Benefit
Unfunded Mandates
..........Albany manates = Local headaches
..........Major School Mandates
..........NYS Education Mandates
The Consequences

More Consequences

Ungovernable UnCommon Interest?
..........More signs of societal cracks
Fact vs Fiction
An American Police State?
Government vs the Pandemic
A recurring social cycle

Global Government
Politics vs Economics
Reality vs Perception
Essays, letters or other printed stuff
Video clips
Related Links

Maybe we need less governing.

End the Duopoly!
Towards A Libertarian Future
..........Now for the good news
..........What can you do for me?
..........Volunteer spirit
..........Why the Libertarian Party is not, and can not be, Politics As Usual.
..........Become part of the solution
..........Join The Resistance!
..........Stop Politics-As-Usual
..........Our opportunity
..........What libertarian platform?
..........Less government is the answer

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"I see the liberty of the individual ... as the necessary condition for the flowering of all the other goods that mankind cherishes: moral virtue, civilization, the arts and sciences, economic prosperity. Out of liberty, then, stem the glories of civilized life.” Murray Rothbard


Libertarian Party

- It's NOT Politics as Usual -


What is politics as usual?

How does Politics As Usual damage society?

Why is the Libertarian Party NOT Politics As Usual?


More stuff to look at!

FrogPrince Stop Politics As Usual!