Politics As Usual
- is it -
? Cooperation or Exploitation?


Government can’t give you anything without taking from someone else first. All laws discriminate. Gerrymandering is what politics is all about…moving the boundaries of who gets favors (rent seeking)  & who pays for them (externalizing costs).  Politics as Usual is all about getting benefits and shifting the cost to others. It is rigging the system for favors. How is that not an abuse of power? Republican and Democrat Parties are Politics as Usual.

Taxes are up. Spending is up. Debts are up. Demand for more spending continues. The reality is that votes can be bought and power can be sold. Legislators understand this reality. Power corrupts. The greater their power to create rights, dispense privileges, contracts or favors, the higher the price such officials command. No, people & politicians will not reform because change means spending less. That means losing campaign money and votes needed to win elections. This is the dynamic that drives Politics as Usual – to grant the demands of some at the expense of others. Voting groups use government to redistribute money and privilege - taking it from others and giving it to themselves.

"almost 70 percent of what the federal government does involves simply taking money from one group of people and giving it to another. Less than one-third of the money Washington spends is spent in the name of actual governance." (more here)

Now, consider the back room deals for money and privileges. Why is lobbying a growth industry in a state that has been losing industries?

Dollars in the common treasury, like fish in the common sea, can be harvested to extinction. When taxes can no longer replenish the stock and borrowing is no longer possible, treasury dollars become an endangered species. (Worst of all, votes can no longer be bought.) Government has then gone beyond dysfunction and become powerless. This is when local governments like that of Erie County and the city of Buffalo find themselves taken over by a fiscal control board and the treasury is no longer controlled by elected politicians.

A fiscal control board is essentially a capitulation to an un-elected dictatorial Wall Street government because democracy has been corrupted and "We, the people" made bankrupt. Yes, that can happen. It has happened before. New York City and Puerto Rico are just two examples. Other examples will likely happen again in the future.

How long will it be before New York State is governed by a fiscal control board?

The Federal Reserve Bank has become the nation's fiscal control board. Bankers decide who to bail out of insolvency by creating money from nothing and distributing it directly or via Congress. (Click here for examples) NY has already received billion$.

If you think liberty is better than forced obedience help get people back their ability to make choices for themselves instead of having them imposed. If you agree that competition moves society forward better than government decrees then why not help make that happen?If you’ve had enough of the same old story, why not buy a new book? Join the resistance. Consider it a form of civil disobedience. The Libertarian Party of New York is trying to gear up to become more politically relevant. We need your help. We need people like you to help change attitudes, question prevailing assumptions and support our candidates.


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"I see the liberty of the individual ... as the necessary condition for the flowering of all the other goods that mankind cherishes: moral virtue, civilization, the arts and sciences, economic prosperity. Out of liberty, then, stem the glories of civilized life.” Murray Rothbard


Libertarian Party

- It's NOT Politics as Usual -


What is politics as usual?

How does Politics As Usual damage society?

Why is the Libertarian Party NOT Politics As Usual?


More stuff to look at!

FrogPrince Stop Politics As Usual!