Politics As Usual
- is it -
? Cooperation or Exploitation?

"If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it's free!" -- P. J. O'Rourke

Getting the State involved in medicine is criminal malpractice.

'Free government health care seems like a good deal. After all, what's better than 'free'? But of course deep down everyone understands that nothing of value is free. If it's 'free' somebody else pays.

Then there is the issue of quality. The old aphorism, "You get what you pay for" is widely recognized for a reason. For one example, government education is 'free' but often (all too often) of poor quality with dismal results and high cost.

Why Single-Payer Health Care Delivers Poor Quality at High Cost

If American Healthcare Kills, European Healthcare Kills More

Denying lifesaving care to conserve public resources is nothing new for Britain’s National Health Service. 

In expensive treatments for cancer and other diseases, the health service officially limits what it will spend to postpone a death: 30,000 pounds, or about $37,000, for each year of full “quality” life provided to a patient. 
(Click here for more)

For some examples of free government single payer health care follow these links:


As with any other limited resource, healthy care must be rationed. Private health insurance rations based on the insurance policy contract. Government health care is rationed based on government policy. Canada has single payer government health care for all. It also has 'Expert Committees' to make policy on what is paid for and what is not. Such policy bodies ration care based on what they deem to be in the interests of 'society' instead of the 'individual'.

Socialized medicine has meant rationed care and lack of innovation. (more here)

Medical Rationing in Canada

Canadian Health Care In Crisis

Canada's Health-Care System Is Failing To Deliver Timely Care To Patients

Canadian Government Literally Proposes State Execution of Living Babies (click here for more)

Assisted dying being offered by doctors in a health system that is floundering. (more here)


Is the Cuban healthcare system really as great as people claim?

The truths and tales of Cuban healthcare


we must not accept this crumbling system




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"I see the liberty of the individual ... as the necessary condition for the flowering of all the other goods that mankind cherishes: moral virtue, civilization, the arts and sciences, economic prosperity. Out of liberty, then, stem the glories of civilized life.” Murray Rothbard


Libertarian Party

- It's NOT Politics as Usual -


What is politics as usual?

How does Politics As Usual damage society?

Why is the Libertarian Party NOT Politics As Usual?


More stuff to look at!

FrogPrince Stop Politics As Usual!