Politics As Usual
- is it -
? Cooperation or Exploitation?

The World Economic Forum is a Non Government Agency (NGO) headquartered in Swizerland which American taxpayers help fund. It is composed of many influential people around the world. The WEF is headed by Klaus Schwab and meets anually in Davos, Swizerland.

"Anything that comes out of Davos, no matter how noble it sounds is really just veneer to get enough useful idiots to convince enough useless eaters to accept the narrative that what is being done to them is for their own good." (click here for more)

Having concluded that “we the people” cannot be trusted to think for ourselves, the powers-that-be have taken it upon themselves to re-order our world into one in which they do the thinking for us, and all we have to do is fall is line.

“You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy”
– World Economic Forum

No Privacy, No Property: The World in 2030 According to the WEF

"The existence of choice has to be erased." (Click here for more)

UN Announces Biometric Digital ID Wallet

Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed,” Schwab wrote in an article published on WEF’s website.

“In short, we need a ‘Great Reset’ of capitalism.” Schwab wants 'Stakeholder Capitalism' to replace what he calls the exiting 'Shareholder Capitalism'. (click here for more)

Schwab also said that “all aspects of our societies and economies” must be “revamped,” “from education to social contracts and working conditions.” (click here for more)

"...the “Great Reset” isn’t just about restructuring the economic system, implementing a ‘Green New Deal’, making more jobs fully automated and lowering energy consumption and living standards, there’s also a policing aspect to the agenda." (click here for more)

Is Klaus Schwab the most dangerous man on earth? (see clip here).


The WEF and WHO – Are They Running a Death Cult? A WHO / Pharma controlled Worldwide Tyrannical “health system”

"The global-capitalist ruling establishment couldn’t care less whether you are a “progressive,” or a “conservative,” or a “libertarian,” or an “anarchist,” or whatever you call yourself. What they care about is whether you’re a Normal or a Deviant. What they care about is whether you will follow orders. " (Click here for more) 

To find still more on Klaus Schwab's fascist vision click here or here. To get an idea of the people involved go to WEF “Young Global Leaders” here. If you want to know if a particuar name is associated with the WEF just do an internet search like "John Doe WEF" or visit the WEF website

Click here for more World Government.

See : The Great Reset
See : World Economic Forum
See : World Government
See : World Crisis
See : Reject Globalism


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"I see the liberty of the individual ... as the necessary condition for the flowering of all the other goods that mankind cherishes: moral virtue, civilization, the arts and sciences, economic prosperity. Out of liberty, then, stem the glories of civilized life.” Murray Rothbard


Libertarian Party

- It's NOT Politics as Usual -


What is politics as usual?

How does Politics As Usual damage society?

Why is the Libertarian Party NOT Politics As Usual?


More stuff to look at!

FrogPrince Stop Politics As Usual!