Politics As Usual
- is it -
? Cooperation or Exploitation?

Transition to Democracy

As the great philosopher Lord Woodhouse once wrote,  "A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy."

The US Constitution prescribes a means to change it. But those who idealize democracy and believe in a 'living constitution' ignore and circumvent that prescribed means and invent their own.

The transition from republic to democracy was gradual and insidious. It seeds were sown early in our history. In many ways, the Civil War and its aftermath laid the foundation for the acute erosion that took place over the entire 20th century. Chronic concern about war and economic downturns — events caused by an intrusive government’s failure to follow the binding restraints of the Constitution — allowed majority demands to supersede the rights of the minority...

Democracy Subverts Liberty and Undermines Prosperity

Once it becomes acceptable to change the rules by majority vote, there are no longer any limits on the power of the government. When the Constitution can be subverted by mere legislative votes, executive orders or judicial decrees, constitutional restraints on the government are eliminated. This process was rare in the early years of our history, but now it is routine.

Once a nation becomes a democracy, the whole purpose of government changes. Instead of the government’s goal being that of guaranteeing liberty, equal justice, private property, and voluntary exchange, the government embarks on the impossible task of achieving economic equality, micromanaging the economy, and protecting citizens from themselves and all their activities. The destruction of the wealth-building process, which is inherent in a free society, is never anticipated. Once it’s realized that it has been undermined, it is too late to easily reverse the attacks against limited government and personal liberty.

Democracy, by necessity, endorses special-interest interventionism, inflationism, and corporatism. In order to carry out the duties now expected of the government, power must be transferred from the citizens to the politicians. The only thing left is to decide which group or groups have the greatest influence over the government officials. As the wealth of the nation dwindles, competition between the special-interest groups grows more intense and becomes the dominant goal of political action. Restoration of liberty, the market and personal responsibility are of little interest and are eventually seen as impractical.

Power and public opinion become crucial factors in determining the direction of all government expenditures. Although both major parties now accept the principles of rule by majority and reject the rule of law, the beneficiaries for each party are generally different, although they frequently overlap. (source)

Here is but one example. Franklin Roosevelt’s Executive Order 6102 made it illegal for citizens to own gold, except in the smallest of quantities. It formed the basis of today's fiat money system which effectively robs people via inflation. “Where in the Constitution did the president get that power?”

For example see 'The Many Ways Our Rights Have Been Usurped Since 9/11' (here) The Supreme Court tortures the 'Commerce Clause' of the Constitution to bestow more powers to government. Like lower courts, it also effectively legislates by decree via their interpretations.

One classic example of judicial overreach is the famous 'Roe v. Wade' aborton decision which effectively created a 'right' and legislated morality that many Americans did not accept. While 'Prohibition' followed the proper amendment process, Roe v. Wade circumvented that process and became the 'law of the land' by judicial fiat before being overturned.

There are more reasons why we are so far from the ideal intended by the Constitution. 

  • First, the US system was supposed to exalt the juridical sovereignty of the “several states” so that the central government was of secondary importance. 

  • Second, a fourth branch of government gradually came into existence. It is what we now call the Administrative State.

See also: Suspending The Constitution: In America Today, The Government Does Whatever It Wants


The Constitution can be amended. Click here for more.
The Constitution can also be ignored / nullified / re-interpreted.
Continue with Part 2 - Transition to Democracy here.
Continue with Part 3 - Transition to The Administrtive (Deep) State here.

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"I see the liberty of the individual ... as the necessary condition for the flowering of all the other goods that mankind cherishes: moral virtue, civilization, the arts and sciences, economic prosperity. Out of liberty, then, stem the glories of civilized life.” Murray Rothbard


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